Monday I was at the hairdressers when we heard the CFA fire siren across the road start up. Next thing someone came in to say there was a fire at Wallace, then we heard at the back of Greendale. Finally after the trucks had gone out we heard it was actually Muskvale, south of Daylesford with ember attacks current for Spargo Creek. Now that's really only a few kilometres up the road from us as we are on the North or Daylesford side of Gordon. My hairdresser who lives up the road from me left as she has mini ponies, lucky my colour was done but my curly hair looked a fright left un straightened/blow waved. This was the view on the back road (off the Ballan Daylesford Rd) on the way home. My hairdresser lives in the vicinity of the trees...scarey stuff as although it was quite a few k's away there was a northly wind blowing....and embers carry a long way in the wind.
Fortunately for us the cool change blew in not long after it started which sent it back towards the north but not fortunate for those living in that direction. I was still on edge that night however and kept the ABC radio on with the fire reports. This was the view from the bottom of my street Monday night. (you can see a bit better if you click on the photo for the larger view)
The firefighters did a great job however and it was under control or contained by Thursday before the next hot day with northerlies Friday.
I guess I was a bit more nervous as I had just returned from working at the Churchill - Jeeralang Callignee bushfires in Gippsland and that fire went a long long way in a short period of time. By the way it wasn't windy when these photos were taken the trees were left like this after the hot winds and fire had gone through.

Oh Bernadette, that sounds just a little close for comfort. Those poor trees.
It's so terrible to think that the threat is still so real for many.
Stay safe.
As Narelle said - stay sfe.
geez bundygirl, that IS too close for comfort. Stay safe - hey, I've got a spare bed and a reasonably big workroom if you decide to run away til it's all over ... ;)
You would think it would be all over by now..we heard this morning news, a hot windy day ahead today..
I hope you and family will be safe..
take care..
julia ♥
Bernadette, stay safe whatever you do. Tomorrow is set to be another long day.
May it rain, may it rain, may it rain.
Take care.
I hope you got some of the rain that we got last night. It must have been so frightening. I hope that we have seen the last of the hot, hot season for the year now.
I could look at your banner all day!
Those fire sirens makes you feel nervous don't they? I'm glad the weather has got better this week.
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