Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dear Jane this week

It's been a bit of a slow old week for Dear Jane, only two new blocks to show BUT I only have one more block to go before Row A is finished. It just happens to be A-9 Cabin Fever which has the most pieces so before that I will do a simple one as I just finished A-12 Framed Fancy which wasn't my favourite (41 pieces) but at least it's done.

I have also added my block chart on the side of my blog to keep track of my progress. I am now at 38 blocks, 5 triangles, 1 corner kite and 869 pieces.

A-12 Framed Fancy once again don't look too closely!!!

(which reminds me thanks to the lovely girls that left kind comments regarding my blocks!)

A-4 Courtney's Stethoscope.

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