Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This and that.......


We had a bit of now you see it now you don't as the clouds were going over but I did manage to get a few very blurry photos. I was amazed actually to get any as I don't have the steadiest hands in the world (which is why they are blurry I guess) and I was only using my normal two or three year old digital camera. Anyway here they are, what a gorgeous colour it was.

Nothing heralds the approach of spring like flowers. Not that I have much in the garden at the moment but there are a few little flowers poking up their heads. The earlicheer jonquils have been out for a week or two already. They have been closely followed by the plain jonquils and the grape hyacinths are just starting to open up. They are usually just a little bit before the weeping cherry, thats always beautiful, its such a pity they only flower once a year. The tulip leaves are up it will be interesting to see if we get flowers this year as they have been getting fewer I think I will have to plant some more.

Last but not least are the voilets. These were my Nan's favourite so when I see them out during the winter I always think of her. When she died I had bunches of them put into her wreath and I gave my Aunt and my Mother a bunch each out of it. I don't know what my Mother did with hers but my Aunt dried hers and has them still. The voilets I photographed this morning are pink ones, I had never seen this colour until we moved to this house and they were already in the garden. There are also the traditional purple ones but I couldn't get the right light to photograph them this morning as the sun hadn't come over the top of the pine trees in that part of the garden. I noticed recently in the patchwork shop that she still has the Vintage Voilets range and my mind has been ticking over with what sort of quilt I could make out of that range in memory of my Nan.

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