Here we are a week later and not much closer to a quilt being completed, even a pantograph!I should be working but as I have to take DS1 back to the hospital for his post op check I don't seem to be motivated to work for a hour. It was a busy week last week with the operation, the funeral, the early morning airport pick up and return of DD2, lots of catching up then the 1st birthday of Isabella.I have decided to post some photos of some of the tops I have finished in the past 12 months a bit of show and tell. Most awaiting quilting of course!
The first one is a dresden plate quilt. I have used mostly reproduction fabrics or the antique flowers style fabrics. Well originally it was going to be entirely dresden plates but I got sick of needleturning the plates onto the backgrounds and I had some nine patches left over from another project so I turned the nine patches on point and alternated the blocks. The look I was trying to achieve was a scrappy antique look, as if it was a "make do" quilt after all thats how they were made back then just with anything they had. I think it worked.
I love the border fabric and wish I could get more but I can't find it anywhere, I think they have sold out of it. Most of the reproduction fabrics I have collected from my local patchwork shop Pentland Patchwork in Bacchus Marsh or from Patchwork on Stonleigh as I subscribe to their fabric club.
Hopefully this will be motivation to quilt thisover the christmas break!
Here is a photo from my daughters recent wedding on Hamilton Island.
This is my family, from l-r Kylie (sons partner) Nicholas (son), me, Craig, Holly, Tony, Rebecca (daughter) Tim (son) and Brent (daughters partner) with Isabella (grandaughter) .Rebecca will be getting married 30th March 2007 so it's back to saving again!I have been a member of the online quilters group Scquilters for five years. As there will be no more Machine Quilters conferences in the near future I have decided that I can now afford to attend the scquilters retreat in Bendigo in April 2007. Now that I have decided I am going I am really excited about it as I have worked out I know at least 30 people, ranging from people I have met once or twice to people I know pretty well and have met on a number of occassions to people I have only chatted to online but got to know fairly well. So it will be great to catch up with the ones I know and lovely to meet the ones I haven't met in person yet.
On the right is a photo of the Melton Willowsquilting group's charity quilt which I quilted for them.I think the tickets are still being sold out in the community.I think this week life is once more going to get in the way of work. Today my Uncle passed away, he has been ill for a number of months with cancer so I guess in some ways it was a blessing although it is still hard on the family, I have always been very close to this Aunty.Also tomorrow my son has exploratory surgery for a stomach problem he has had for a couple of years so depending if they find anything (adhesions from childhood surgery) he could be home same day or in for a couple of nights and need Mum to help look after him for a few days.Then on Wednesday morning my daughter and son in law fly back from their honeymoon in Europe so I will be at the airport to pick them up at 4.45am.Last but not least on Friday it's my grandaughters first birthday and my daughter is giving her a party Saturday so I will be on call to help there. Who said it gets easier when they leave home??